Wednesday, March 16, 2011


To the Dancing Dwarf
Dancing on the wharf
I hope you do not morph
Before I say

To the Dancing Dwarf
Dancing on the wharf

            (By the way, I wrote this ON your birthday. Truly.) Ahem.  I must compose myself now. Alrighty! Time to move on to other topics, like odd phone conversations! This is what I hear from my dad (He was talking to either my mother or sister. I’m not sure.):
                        “Oh... What? ... Is that legal? ... Okay... Taking the boat out? ...”
            Oh, odd conversations… Speaking of, Bebo, Hugo, and I made a library, and passersby as we walked around outside, somewhat uncomfortable today, I am sure. My awkward deed of the day has been accomplished!
            Wow! I should have finished this post! I wrote the previous words a few days ago… It is now finals week at college. I only had one final, but my horrid teachers chose to have the normal, plain old tests during that time. Excepting one class, which was finished last week.
            Oh, finals week, bow terrible you are! I told my dear mother (who was kind enough to drive me at the rude hour of 7:30am) that you could feel the dread and despair among the dead students.
            I am not inspired to write of, well, anything.  Therefore, I shall hereby include emails from Bebo and Hugo. I shall open with a response I got from Mr. Horrible:
            “Thanks, though, anyway, (I wonder how many commas I can put in one three-word phrase) for your offer of aid to a beleaguered damsel.  It was most gracious of you.  As you can tell, I am oober tired and not thinking very clearly, so if you are inclined to find this missive unintelligible, then we are merely in the same boat.  I shall refrain from reading it over again before sending it, lest I become dizzy and fall out of my chair, and get my face licked by a certain puppy who is lying nearby on the floor, upside-down and with one ear inside-out, which would be bad because aforementioned face is caked and plastered with that vile substance that men call makeup, and it would undoubtedly cause him to become dangerously ill if he licked it in great quantities, which he would do if the possessor of the much-bemakeuped face were to fall on the floor due to a spell of dizziness brought on by reading her own writing. 
You see?
Good job!  I apologize for the contents of this email; I don't even know what all I said...”

            What a poor, tired hobo… Now a few words from our eldest, Mr. Hobo!
            “Today I realized that I am subconsciously thinking about something without really thinking about it. Then, when I realized that I WAS actually thinking something, it disappeared. I now think that something evil is lurking in my head and using my brain for their own thinking purposes. I'm pretty scared.”
            “Today, I realized that I will miss you tomorrow because you dilute the Hugo-ness that fills my car. I also realized that if my friend cuts her bangs and my sister curls her hair to poodle-esque-ness, i will look straight at them, not recognize them and walk right by. This is a scary world we live in....k bye!”
            Now, good readers, I shall include a horrendous story. I was lying on my bed, probably procrastinating by watching something on my laptop, when there was a loud, explosion sound! At the same time, my bed shook. Of course, I jumped up and ran to the front of my house, where my family resided. I asked my sister what happened, and she simply told me, “Dad started the fire.” Of course, that was nothing new. Every now and then, we accumulate enough burnable material that would normally overflow our garbage can, and it gets burned outside, in the burn pit. So, I went outside to my mother, who was standing on the porch. I asked her. She told me the very same thing.
            It turned out that my father put some oil on the things in the pit, and then lit it, which caused the boom and shaking of the entire house. Oh, Father…

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On the Morn of a Certain Memorable Day

  Today is a momentous day, a beautific day, a day to go down in the annals of history as the most crucial day this week. 
  It is the Dancing Dwarf''s birthday.
  Happy Birthday, Dancing Dwarf!  All three of us illiterate, scruffy, 5-star-bearded hobos (although Bebo only has a four-star beard and the best Joe can do is some 5-million-year shadow) love you!  We wish you joy and overeating on this torrentially rainy and happy day!  We know that you do not care for the rain, so perhaps you would relish an indoor celebration rather than our original plan of stranding you on a rock in the middle of a scummy pond to commemorate the occasion of your seventeen years' anniversary of living, but no matter what you do, enjoy! 
  I, who remember the occasions of your thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth birthdays, have chosen to be the Three Desperados' official spokeshobo on this grand tenth day in March.  We pray that the coming year may bring you wisdom, and understanding, and a revival from all of your wicked ways, as well as, of course, much dancing and the reading of frivolous blogs written by grimy homeless people who have nothing better to do than go to college and write frivolous blogs.  As a person that I know likes to say (he has the most amazing accent), "May your tribe increase.  In a good way.  After you're married."  And, Dancing Dwarf, you know that if you get married before you are twenty-one I will personally hunt you down and throttle you, so may your tribe delay its increase for at least another eight years or so...
  Oh, what a fun thought!  My fellow hobos, in eight or ten or twelve years or so, there will begin to be a whole bunch of little Dancing Dwarves running around!  Dancing Dwarf, you must make us godfathers.  We will give your little Dancing Dwarf children lessons in hoboing and howling at the moon and running through the middle of college campuses screaming and stealing change out of vending machines.  It is an education that they simply cannot afford to miss!
  Well, my lovely friend, known most commonly as a Dwarf who Dances, happy birthday.  Have many more.  The Three Desperados do not much want to attend your funeral, so take care to outlive all of us. 
  Good luck being seventeen! 
  ~Hugo the Horrible

Friday, March 4, 2011

Of facial hair and the discussion of it....

Today, I realized that I have been subconciously counting the number of people with beards that I see on campus. Then, I rate them. A beard with a one star rating would be something only slightly more than a five o'clock shadow (or the 5 million year shadow, as Hugo like to refer to it as...). This beard is simply AWFUL. especially in Washington. I doubt that this beard would add any extra warmth to the face of its maker, and it looks pathetic.
     A two star beard would be a beard that it longer than that of the first. Perhaps a lopsided goatee is sprouting from the chin or perhaps the grower of said beard has allowed for it to grow to the size of two inches!
     The growers of three star beards should crawl under a rock. Seriosly. They look ridiculous.  The beard has not been allowed to reach maximun growth, ( or even half of maximmun growth for that matter...) and it just looks sloppy. Most of the time it is trimmed. Ick. I detest the faces of the owners of three star beards.

     The next beard: The wanna-be beard. This beard is a knock off of the five star except of several major components. Most of the time, growers of these beards keep the hair combed and free of food particles that may happen to land upon it. Owners of the four star beards enjoy stroking their knockoff facial hair thoughfully whilst trying to evoke a mature appearance. They fail. Fail. FAIL!! THEY FAIL AT MATURENESS. THEY FAIL AT STROKING. AND MOST OF ALLL, THEY FAIL AT BEARD GROWING!!! BAH Humbug.
(After twenty minutes of ranting and screaming at everyone in the compiuter lab about the subject of facial hair, Bebo was kicked off of his digital device and forced to seek free internet elsewhere...)

I am back. And just in time to describe to you the illusive, amazing, awesome, handy, useful, benefitial, warmth bringing, FIVE STAR BEARD. Yes, ladies and gents, this here is the real deal. ok, the five star beard would be a perfectly shaggy beard with a misheveled appearance. The length would be no less than 8 inchess, and it would contain knots and tangles. These knots and tangles come in handy for holding the food that inevitably falls into said beard whilst its grower is partaking in food. This beard keeps one warm in the winter, but it is not long enough to catch on fire when its owner is huddling around a warm of fire in the street late at night. This beard provides safe storage for food, warmth in the chilly nights, and fire-safe effectiveness. Clearly, this beard is the most beneficial of all and should be the envy of everyone who owns a beard of a lesser star.
NOw, this hobo must ajourn to eat some of the hobo soup that fell into his five star beard last night. Yeah thats right, it even holds soup......