Oh, Hugo, Hugo, Hugo, Hugo. If I do
recall, in March, a certain someone swore to write a new Happy Rotter chapter.
And not just any certain someone, Hugo. It was YOU!
Pfft. Pffffffffffffffffft. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!
I really am bad at comebacks, aren’t
I? Perhaps this is why someone told me I don’t have a mean bone in my body…
I have successfully converted Bebo
into a Whovian, still unbeknownst to him. (A Whovian is one who watches and
enjoys Doctor Who. One cannot merely watch Doctor Who; one becomes obsessed
with it.) He’s seen more than one episode. He’s officially converted! No going
back now, Bebo.
(I’m secretly plotting to convert
his entire family, but that will take time… and some more plotting.)
Bebo’s family almost fed me buffalo
without telling me. Well, how else am I supposed to count firsts unless I
know?!? I also learned Monopoly this last weekend. I am so very far behind in
life, I know.
I’m not certain what else to write
about… How very much I will miss Hugo, one of my few friends… How very
miserable the weather at my new, non-community-college college will make my
skin (Although, unlike Hugo, I shall mostly stay indoors)… How very few places
a hobo can apply for, and how little to none will even think of hiring a hobo…
How maybe it must just be this hobo because the other two have jobs AND job
interviews… How excited Hugo and I are to graduate this quarter... How Hugo and
I carpooled a week ago and didn’t die, and how Bebo and I carpooled today and
didn’t die, and why am I never the one driving?
Far too much to even consider
talking about, don’t you think?
Joe the Jobless Hobo