Friday, November 19, 2010


     Reading minds is a quality that I do not possess. You may find it odd (many people do!) but I wish I knew what people were thinking. All of the time. Does that creep you out? You're not alone. When I talk to people, I will always stare at their faces and try to guess what they are thinking about. Sometimes I will even ask them what was going on inside their head when they were attempting to listen to the boring rant of this unkempt hobo. They often refuse to answer or they may say that they were thinking about something stupid like painting their nails when I had mentally guessed that they were perfecting their plot of world domination. (This happens often when I talk to Joe...)  So, needless to say, I am not telepathic. In fact, I can't even finish someone else's sentence. Don't get me wrong, I've tried! Really I have! Today, Hugo (the Horrible) was attempting to grasp the perfect word to complete his sentence. I, being the helpful hobo that I am, offered, "Immigrant?" when really he was trying find the word that explained how sturdy his new cardboard box is. I apparently failed epically.  I cannot read minds. I cannot finish sentences. I am pathetic. No, I am telepathetic.....
     Bebo the Hobo


  1. Yes, Bebo, you ARE telepathetic, but that's okay, because Joe and I love you anyway. And the new cardboard box is quite remarkably sturdy. It shelters Fiend and I from the snow perfectly...
    --Hugo the Horrible

  2. it totally pointless to point out that telepathic means that you CAN read minds???

  3. Lydia, get your terms right. It's TELEPATHIC that means you CAN read minds; TELEPATHETIC means that you CANNOT.

  4. oh......>insert embarassed silence<
